Thursday, May 28, 2009


The tough get networking!

How about you? Do you get it? Do you make networking a way of life, or is it a 'to do' on your chore list?

The old school of networking was: "YIKES, I need a job; I better get networking."
The new school of networking is all about continual teaching and giving.

Teaching people what you're good at and what would help you in your business life and learning what would help them, and giving them ideas, resources or leads to help them achieve their objectives.

It's been said over and over that the opposite of networking is NOT working.

When you continually think of your network as a means of support, you are more like to work it, or stay in touch with people. How do you do a better job at staying in touch with people? ASK more questions.

When you listen and listen generously.... you will learn how to follow up with them. You will know what their passions are, their challenges and what they do well and what they are interested in. When you give first, and give generously, the Law of Reciprocity comes into effect and you will soon be given an idea or resource as well. Try it! (That 'give and take' is the premise of networking.)

If you don't 'work it' or remain engaged with people in your network, you aren't working to your capacity. You don't have to be a Lone Ranger. Learn to rely on others for best practices, shortcuts, ideas, resources. Don't reinvent the wheel.

For more information on giving and getting, and how to have more purposeful conversations, read Chapter 10 in Make Your Contacts Count, by Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon.

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